Recognizing Diabetic Hunger and Normal Hunger

Do you know the difference between diabetic hunger and normal hunger? Yes, Diabetic Hunger & Normal Hunger are 2 different things.

Diabetic hunger is a feeling of hunger that is caused by low blood sugar levels. You feel hungry even after meals.

This can happen when someone with diabetes takes too much insulin, skips a meal, without adjusting their insulin intake

If you have diabetes, it's important to recognize the symptoms of diabetic hunger, such as feeling shaky, weak, or dizzy.

Normal hunger, on the other hand, is simply your body's way of telling you that it needs fuel and that your stomach is empty

It's usually triggered by an empty stomach, but can also be influenced by factors such as boredom and emotions.

The key to managing normal hunger is to eat a balanced diet with regular meals and healthy snacks daily.

So next time you feel  unusual hungry, take a moment to consider whether it's diabetic hunger or normal hunger, and respond accordingly.

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