Managing Diabetes When You’re Sick

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Managing Type 2 Diabetes is itself a daunting task. And if you are sick, it becomes more challenging.

When sick, your body’s natural defense mechanism kicks in. It starts releasing more glucose in the bloodstream, along with certain hormones.

This can be a cause of serious concern for diabetic patients. As it can affect the blood sugar levels.

Signs of severe  HIGH blood sugar level

Nausea, Vomiting, Abdominal Pain, Confusion, Frutiy Breath Odour, Rapid Breathing

Signs of severe  LOW blood sugar level

Seizures, Loss of Consciousness, Inability to eat or drink, Confusion, Severe Weakness

Some Steps to Manage Diabetes when sick

Monitor your blood glucose

The first step in managing diabetes when you're sick is to monitor your blood glucose levels more frequently than usual.

No. 1

Monitor your blood glucose

When you're sick, your body is under stress, and your blood glucose levels can be more difficult to manage.

No. 1

Monitor your blood glucose

Check your blood glucose levels every few hours, and if they're high, make sure to take the appropriate steps to bring them down.

No. 1

Stay Hydreated

Check your blood glucose levels every few hours, and if they're high, make sure to take the appropriate steps to bring them down.

No. 2

Eat Small Meals

Another important tip for managing diabetes when you're sick is to eat small, frequent meals throughout the day.

No. 3

Get Rest

Finally, be sure to get plenty of rest when you're sick. Stress and lack of sleep can both affect your blood glucose levels.​


Managing diabetes when you're sick can be a challenge, but with the right strategies and support you can manage it like a pro.

Also, learn about the Dos and Don'ts of Managing Diabetes When You're Sick to keep your health on track. They are mentioned in our blog. ​

Read our blog to know more.

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