Foods & Drinks to avoid with Diabetes

Here are the things, What you should need to know

Some food options are always better than others if you have diabetes

Restrictions bind you!

Delicacies that are considered worst for diabetics, can also be enjoyed sometimes. But that would not help you in any way.

Your body intakes 3 macronutrients for energy – carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.

Foods & Drinks to avoid with Diabetes

Foods & Drinks to avoid with Diabetes


High Carb Foods

A person with diabetes can only intake half of the required calories from carbohydrates. Anything more than half can cause high blood sugar levels.



Any person with diabetes on insulin must intake a protein-rich meal with precaution. It is best to know how your sugar levels fluctuate during protein-rich meals.


Trans Fat

1. Natural trans fats:- Natural trans fats are not considered harmful and occur in a few animal products. 2. Artificial trans fats:- Artificial trans fats pose serious health consequences and are present in hydrogenated vegetable oils.


Processed Foods

People who eat a lot of processed foods are more susceptible to develop diabetes. People who eat healthy are at a lower risk of developing diabetes. Processed foods have characteristics that stimulate overeating. It also displaces your healthy eating choices like grains, fruits, and vegetables. Thus, you should altogether avoid consuming processed food.


Sugar Beverages

Many studies show that people who consume sugary beverages have a 25% greater risk of contracting type 2 diabetes. Consuming merely a single sweetened drink a day can boost your risk of diabetes by 13%.


Starchy Vegetables

Some starchy foods include vegetables like corn and potato, that are high in starch content. You can consume starchy vegetables in moderate quantities though some suggest avoiding them. In short, starchy veggies are vegetables for diabetics to avoid.


High - Protein Foods

For people at a high risk of developing diabetes, the suggestion is to lose weight. As per research, losing weight with a high protein diet does not enhance insulin sensitivity. The opposite happens in the case of a conventional diet. And, a high protein diet shows no improvement at all.


Dairy Products

Some dairy items are also rich in fats; thus, overconsumption can be a cause of diabetes. Hence, you can choose low-fat alternatives and maintain an optimum intake.



Diet sodas are sugar-less drinks, The absence of calories or sugar does not make it ideal for people with diabetes. Energy drinks are not ideal for a person with diabetes to consume regularly. A sip here and there might not make a significant difference, but consuming it in huge quantities can be a problem in the long run.



Alcohol might cause the blood sugar level to rise or fall if you have diabetes. In addition, alcohol contains a lot of calories. If you desire to consume alcohol, do it when your blood sugar levels and diabetes are well controlled. And, make sure you do it moderately on rare occasions.

Read our blog to know more about Foods & Drinks to avoid with Diabetes

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